Category Archives: General RF

PortaPack H2 for the HackRF One- Flashing Mayhem Firmware

PortaPack H2 - Flashing Mayhem Firmware - Featured Image

The PortaPack H2 combines with the HackRF One to provide a standalone SDR device complete with full color LCD screen, internal battery, and input buttons for the user interface. The standard firmware includes a suite of tools specifically designed for RF research both in the field and lab, but many users prefer the infamous Mayhem […]

PortaPack H2 for the HackRF One – Assembly Guide

PortaPack H2 - Assemebly Guide - Featured Image

In this article we will be walking through the assembly of the HackRF PortaPack H2 from Hacker Warehouse. The PortaPack is an add-on board for Great Scott Gadget’s HackRF One that gives the device an onboard GUI and suite of SDR functionality without needing to connect to a workstation. Before using the device, you will […]